**Access to your company's "Tasks" section can be found in your Exhibitor Profile**
October 9 - The Exhibit Hall Floor Plan and Sponsor & Advertiser Prospectus is released to the public. Booth & sponsorship sales for 27th Annual Meeting officially begins.
Mid - December - Exhibitor Registration & Housing Portal Opens
Mid - December - Exhibitor Service Kit Released
January 31 - The last day for a full refund for any cancellation of Annual Meeting support item(s), including exhibit booth space.
March 1 - Full payments for all Annual Meeting support items, including exhibit booth space are due.
March 8 - Certificate of Insurance due - please refer to page 85 of the Exhibitor Service Kit for instructions on how to submit your certificate of insurance.
April 1 - Requests for exhibit booth demonstrations, giveaways, and product samples due via the Exhibitor Console Tasks section.
**Access to your company's "Tasks" section can be found in your Exhibitor Profile**